Creativity in business

Creativity in business

Creativity can be incredibly valuable to any business. It can drive growth in a company, attract customers and really set you apart from your competitors.

There are a wide variety of methods used to promote creativity in businesses, each suiting different types of company. Some workplaces have even installed slides, interior gardens, writeable walls, pool tables and other fun elements to their offices!

As most of us don’t have the room for a park or arcade in the office, brainstorming is an easily accessible way for any company to generate new ideas – bouncing ideas off each other to reach that final, brilliant one. It involves really thinking about who your client is and what’s special about the product: what does it give you that no other product does? What is the most interesting way to tell your story?

Brainstorming can really let your imagination run wild, no matter how silly the ideas may sound – it may spark another idea that leads you to a great campaign.

Now, get those post-its out!