I had been researching PR agencies in Edinburgh for about 4 months before I made the move from Canada to Scotland. The more I looked into Muckle Media, the more it drew me in. You’ve got to love a good alliteration and flashy pink branding, but what the heck is a muckle? One quick urban dictionary search later, I learned muckle means a large amount… of media. Sold. A catchy name with a clever meaning – I’m here for it.

I applied to Muckle media with quite a risqué cover letter spilling out my hopes and dreams of one day leaving cold snowy Canada to work in a creative agency in the UK – the land of lovely accents. I also included my colourfully designed CV to wash it all down. Think Elle Woods in Legally Blonde, minus the perfume scented paper. Much to my surprise I received a nearly instant response and was in for an interview the next day.
All of my first day nerves were chased away by a warm welcome of smiling faces when I walked into the charmingly decorated office. With a collection of team photos and selfies, couches for comfort and a chalkboard wall, it is not your average workspace.

As an intern you don’t expect to be given hard hitting tasks, at least not right away. No, you expect to be making tea and fetching coffee. Well I can honestly say, as soon as I started, I was plunged right into campaign brainstorms, social media designs and proposal writing. And it’s a good job too. Because I’m from Canada and I make a dreadful cup of tea.

My placement was better than I could’ve expected. Not only did I learn and grow from it, but I met some top-notch people who have made my first month in Scotland an unforgettable one.
Emily’s Top Tips
So, if you’re also thinking of dazzling your CV with an internship, here’s my advice.
1. Be enthusiastic and eager
People don’t remember everything you say or do but they remember how you made them feel. Always be a positive light at work. Be someone they genuinely enjoy working with and want to keep around, especially when the Monday blues hit. Offer to help out when you are low on projects, don’t just wait for jobs to come to you. And eagerly accept tasks that are given to you (within reason of course).
2. Make yourself a part of the team
Mingle, mingle, mingle! Who doesn’t love a post-work drink or two? Get to know your co-workers, fellow interns and immerse yourself in the office culture. Become a part of the agency family and be memorable. It’s important as an intern to get noticed, both for work and your sparkling personality. You want them to miss you when you’re gone.
3. Do things outside your comfort zone (now’s the time to learn)
If you’re the least bit intrigued by a project offer to help. An internship is a great time to learn and ask questions. So, soak up as much information as you can. Before my placement, I thought I was terrible at design. One month and a couple of YouTube tutorials later and I’ve become one of the go-to people for design jobs. So, try something new, you might surprise yourself.
4. Keep a portfolio
Show your work (sorry to give you a traumatic flash back of math class). What I mean is have a running file of your written works and design projects. Especially the ones that you’re particularly proud of or praised for. You never know when you might need to prove you’re a PR all-star.
5. Enjoy it!
Most importantly, have fun with it. At Muckle Media, I had a seriously stellar time. From celebrating little wins in the office to lunch dates with the team, there was no shortage of laughs and play mixed in with the daily grind.
If you’re interested in Muckle Media check out our website where you can see more of what we do.