Mark Agnew: World Record Winning Explorer

Muckle Media worked with explorer Mark Agnew to publicise his world record winning expedition across the Arctic’s Northwest Passage.


In June 2023 adventurer and motivational speaker, Mark Agnew, set off on a gruelling expedition, kayaking 1600 miles across the Arctic’s Northwest Passage.

Mark and a team of three others took three months to complete the challenge – the first ever to traverse the Northwest Passage by kayak under human power alone and in a single summer.

Mark raised funds for Wilderness Foundation charity offering education and therapy programmes for young people and adults to help them reconnect to society and to themselves through outdoor facilitation adventures, therapy and mentoring.  Several years ago Mark had suffered a mental health crisis so this charity is close to his heart.

Mark tasked Muckle Media to achieve as much coverage in the British media as possible focusing on his Arctic expedition.


Muckle Media was appointed by Mark Agnew in early 2023.  The team worked with Mark to create hooks for the story, get pictures of Mark taken and quotes from Wilderness Foundation secured.

 To gain interest in the expedition and begin to raise funds for Wilderness Foundation, Muckle Media issued the first press release under embargo. Interviews with broadcasters and national media were secured, including Sky News and BBC Radio Scotland.  

Muckle Media stayed in contact with Mark while he was on his expedition, obtaining photos and video clips from him so that a press release could be issued immediately on his return.  Just before he returned to British soil Muckle secured broadcast interviews, including BBC Breakfast, ITV News and GB News, so Mark had a full programme the first few days after he returned. 


Muckle Media secured 242 pieces of coverage

Coverage across UK broadcast, national and regional media was widespread and 215 items were secured.  

Coverage highlights include: BBC Breakfast, ITV News, Sky News, BBC Radio Scotland,  BBC The Nine, The Times, Mail Online, The Independent, Daily Record, The Herald, STV News. ​​