Muckle Media secured strong media results with local, national and trade media throughout all activity with Fife Tourism Partnership.
By taking a creative approach to each story and ensuring strong photographer and accompanying assets where possible, Muckle maximised coverage opportunities to secure online and print coverage as well as broadcast.
For the Fife Pilgrim Way launch alone, Muckle generated over 20 pieces of coverage reaching over 2.5M across national, regional and local print, online and broadcast.
The total airtime on launch day was 15 minutes, also generating extensive conversation and interaction on social media with live tweeting from the launch event throughout the day.
Media coverage resulted in; website traffic to the Fife Pilgrim Way page increasing by almost 6,000 visits over one month, a 437 percent increase in Facebook likes and followers, a 312 percent growth in Facebook page views and a 327 percent increase in Facebook post reach